Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Theory or Fact ?

The last time I read the meaning of 'Theory" in the dictionary, was that it means:
"a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something" or an easier one would be: " a set of principles on which the practice of an activity is based "

I am "Hell bend" on Scholl , reason being the "Theory" stated on the labels and in the web of the products are "Facts". Our eyes don't tell lies. Recently, in our Asia Detailing Academy in June 2012, charts after charts were given to participants. I believe, everyone holds dearly to these documents as they were theories that were translated to facts ! 

I see most of the times that products are churned out in the speed of light, without having to proof the theory into facts. That won't do with me. I'll not dig in without having to have an understanding. In all things, understanding precedes evidence.


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